2Hand Touch – Cuts First Thought Show

Tune in at 10:00 AM Eastern on 1010AM CBS Sports (http://www.1010aportsonline.com), the Radio.com app or via our UStream and let’s talk about the 2011 CURRENT 53 man roster for your Tampa Bay Buccaneers! Bucs Babe is under the weather (Stop it!) so she will not be in the building. Ergo (fancy, huh?) you will have to look at Oldschool’s ugly mug for the duration. We will be focusing on:

  1. The actual cuts and what they mean
  2. The cuts around the league and what that could mean for the Bucs
  3. What we know about this ‘Youngry’ Krew that will represent our community in the league this year
  4. The joyous beginning to a season of football (college and pro)
As usual, you can join in via the Chatroom, the Text Line (44010) or even cal in at 888-404-1010 or in Pinellas, 727-579-1010. See you in a few!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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