2Hand Touch with Guest a Plenty! 10A-12P Sunday

Getting accustomed to our new slot (though I will be out next week, so much for consistency!) we have a great show on tap for you folks today. The Franchise Tags are flying and that is impacting everyone’s Christmas list for new talent and somehow it appears that New Orleans has managed to go from the darling of the league to the steaming pile of dung that they were for decades (though I still love the city).

Topics for today include:

  1. Bounty Program, it’s implications and what it may mean to the game we love?
  2. Free agency shuffle with tagging left and right
  3. Draft review based on need

We have three special guests joining us today. First up is our friend Steve White (@sgw94) who will be giving us his thoughts on some of the topics of the day. As a former DE for the Bucs (and the Jets but who gives a crap about them?) it will be interesting to get his take on this process, its implications on the game and possible punishments.

Joining in the second hour we will have Justin Pawlowski (@CommishOnline) tlaking about his new afternoon show right here on 1010 CBS Sports Radio! Many of us have listened to Justin secretly on another station for years and I for one am happy he is on the station. We will certainly be getting his take on the trade possibilities, the Bucs #5 spot and his thoughts on the needs of the squad.

Our final guest is AJ Mojica (aka Mr. Destiny and on Twitter as @FFFDaily) who is the Bucs columnist for Rantsports.Com. A transplant to LA from Tampa, AJ has been putting out some great stuff and has a very interseting take on the Bounty issue as well. We will touch on that but focus much more on the Bucs, their needs and the staff as it sits (not as it is poorly reported by the Bucs themselves…http://www.buccaneers.com/team-and-stats/coaches.html)

So tune in this AM either on air (1010 AM), online (Right here!) or on your msartphone via Radio.com. If you miss the show, the podcast is always available. If you want to participate, feel free to join us in chat, text the show at 44010 or call in at 888-404-1010.

See ya in an hour!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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