2HT – Sunday May 6th We Talk Bucs Roster

It seems like it has been forever! I am finally back from my trip (no arrests!) and I am ready to talk about what is appearing to be a solid draft. My tendency to be gone during this time of year has led to pretty solid outings and while I miss the fun and festivities at the various draft parties, I would rather our team get better!

Tomorrow we will be joined by Steve White (@sgw94) to discuss the draft and what it is like to go through these kinds of preseason camps. We will also discuss the situation with the concussion lawsuit, the implications of Junior Seau’s suicide on that case and how the game we all love may need to change to survive.

I am working on another special guest as this article is being written but I have no confirmation as yet. Today we spent the day with he 1 Voice Foundation at Badge Bowl 9 and I have to tell you it was quite an honor. We got started late with this battle between the Tampa Fire and Rescue Firestorm and the Tampa Police Gladiators (Flag Football) but were privileged to Emcee the event and call the game (won by the Firestorm 12-7 in a late interception returned for a TD to give the Fire and Rescue team a 5-4 series edge). This event was executed by the 1 Voice Foundation and proceeds go to support the families and children waging a war with pediatric cancer. You regulars know how near and dear this cause is to us at What the Buc? and I can tell you after our continued work with Mary Ann Massolio and the team (including Earnest Graham) this is a group we will be working more often with.

At any rate, tune in tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM eastern either online, on air or on your smart device and let’s talk Bucs Football, draft, the future and the past. I want to hear what you guys think about the draft, the pile of rookies being trotted through 1 Buc Place, the ‘gag order’ on Twitter and social media coming out of camp and anything else you can think of (Bucs related).


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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