Tears for Texas – We are family

As you know, we have friends all across the country and really, all across the world as a result of our passion around football. This means when tragedy strikes, it is rarely a distant thing for us here. You should be aware that the damage Hurricane Harvey is bringing to the residents in Texas is significant. We are in touch with our friends there and are going to, once again, try to rally support for them from afar. If you have not already sent support or aid through other avenues (we are not trying to “shift sand”) and would like a way to help, please click the Donate button below. We will be collecting or purchasing by way of your donations, WalMart gifts cards and getting them to the folks in the Houston area by way of our friend, Pati Cream. If you would rather get the card and donate, you can do that too. Let us know and we will arrange to pick it up. We will be collecting them from now through our home opener tailgate September 17th. All cash donations will be converted into gift cards.

All cash donations will be converted into gift cards.

Thank you for caring and please keep all of the people impacted by this natural disaster in your hearts, thoughts and prayers.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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