Vita Vea’s Presence Was Felt In Chicago

If you look at the stat sheet, you wouldn’t think the 2018 Bucs first-round pick made much of an impact in his first game in the NFL.  According to Sirius XM Barstool sports producer Steven Cheah, via his twitter, @Chea_Say , Vea certainly was felt by the Bears. By the way, Cheah’s a huge Bucs fan, been on the What the Buc podcast with Derek and has done some outstanding film work. He is a must follow for any fan of the Buccaneers.

Man Amongst Boys

Here’s a great first look. As Steven points out, Vea slashes into the backfield and basically manhandles the guard trying to block him. Unfortunately, other Buccaneers don’t stand up in their gap integrity and the running back escapes.

One of the huge things about Vea is his strength. Watch him here just bitch slap the Bears offensive guard. It was yet another instance of Vea doing his part while his teammates failed to do theirs. Kwon Alexander takes a bad gap, allowing the back to pop outside and make a big gain.

Eventually, the Bears paid Vea the ultimate compliment by doubling him. If he’s getting doubled, Gerald, the guys on the edge, and the backers need to make plays because they’ll be single blocked.

So no, he didn’t have a 3-sack debut that makes FSU Bucs fan forget about Derwin James, but Vea at least showed some of the things that the Bucs were excited about when he was drafted. Thanks again to Steven Cheah for giving us permission to use some of his tweets for this article. Again, follow him at @CHEAH_SAY.


J.C. De La Torre

Want to give JC a piece of your mind? E-mail him at JC De La Torre is formerly a columnist/blogger for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers blog site where in 2016, he was nominated as best sportswriter in Tampa Bay by Creative Loafing. Previously, he served as a featured columnist for Bleacher Report on Tampa Bay sports, an editor and featured columnist for SB Nation Tampa Bay covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tampa Bay Lightning and Florida Gators, wrote for’s Blog Blitz and contributed to Pewter Report, one of the top magazines on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. JC is also a filmmaker, comic writer and rabid Whovian.

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