WTB? Covers the Cuervo Games

As we all new would happen, the world finally figured out that the WTB? crew is at the heart of all things Tampa <G>. To that end, the fine folks from Cuervo asked me to come out here with the lovely and tough, Carie Small (of our very own Tampa Breeze) to cover something that should excite all of you.


1 Part Wipeout (Show from Japan)

1 Part American Gladiators (-dudelike women)

Many Parts Cuervo

What you end up with is the Cuervo Games and they are coming to the Tampa area after this initial stop in Scottsdale and a brief interlude in Dallas.

Last night was the opening party and the folks from Cuervo did it up right. Carie and I will be posting pics from that event as well as video content today concluding with the live concert featuring Good Charlotte.

So, stay tuned to our Social Media accounts at http:/www.twitter.com/whatthebuc and http://www.twitter.com/CarieIsSovery for news, pics and to get a glimpse of the fun we are in store for in Tampa!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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