WTB? Debut on 1010 with Bucs Babe

OldSchool and the Bucs Babe
OldSchool and the Bucs Babe

As reported earlier, this is the time of the year where WTB? goes back to two shows per week. Historically, the early show (which is a Review of the previous week’s game) was on Monday nights. IN a move that can best be described as earth shattering, OldSchool from WTB? will be pairing up with The Bucs Babe and moving the Monday show to Tuesday nights. More importantly than the day change (cause really we are just making it easier for you guys to focus on MNF) is that the show will not be broadcast from 8:00 – 10:00 PM on CBS 1010 AM here in the Tampa Bay market!

“What do I care? I watch you guys on my stream?”

You *should* care because this is a pretty big step for the show. We will still be streaming the way you are used to. We will still have the chatroom rockin and be paying attention to Twitter. What will be different is…well hell, maybe a Top 5 List (10 seemed ridiculous and a stretch) will tell the story best:

The Top 5 Reasons you should care that WTB? is Moving to 1010 AM

5. Being in a real studio will make players (and other guests) less likely to feel like they are on Wayne’s World (please do not sue us NBC)

4. Broadcasting from a real radio station will, in part, legitimize what we are doing and have been doing for 5 years (until OldSchool calls someone garbage and shits on the whole thing again!)

3. The stream from 1010 can also be heard in these things called CARS and, as we understand it, can be streamed to handheld devices via Radio.com. Not to mention, if your internet connection sucks (you know who you are) you can get an audio only stream at 1010Sportsonline.com!

2. For years you have had to deal with almost exclusively dudes on camera for this show (notable exception, the two great shows from Arizona with Sugar and Yolanda). No, you will have the gorgeous Bucs Babe to look at instead of OldSchool! (And, BTW, she has a pretty strong opinion too!)

And the number 1 reason you should care about this move:

  1. Because you love Buccaneer’s talk from passionate, informed fans that actually care about the team WHILE maintained a level of objectivity and you support CBS for allowing them to get on the major airwaves!

At any rate, set your calendar. Tuesday Night at 8 PM Eastern. WTB? kicks it off on the show yet to be officially named featuring OldSchool (of WTB?) and the Bucs Babe!

NOTE: We are also on Sunday from 10-11 but that is a whole different and in some ways, more exciting story. More to come directly.

“More exciting? How can it be?!??!”

Think Tailgate kids. Think TAILgate.

Also of note, our Thursday shows are the same as they always have been (meaning not on 1010). Only our early week shows will be on 1010. You will still be able to watch the stream on our site. This will be all net new stuff. In fact, we are working on a way to have “Behind the Scenes” when we are on commercial breaks as to maintain our street cred. CHEA!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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