Reminder: No Show this Thursday (we will still have news though!)

OldSchool heading to the Windy City

Some say it is the best place for this blowhard (Watch it Bones!)

As mentioned on last nights program, there will be no WTB? broadcast this Thursday. Normally we would do a Jacksonville preview show, so during the week, keep your eyes and browsers peeled and trained to this site for tidbits, updates and insight via the website or our YouTube channel. We will make sure to get the following content out this week:

  1. Keys to the Game
  2. Predictive MVP’s
  3. Score Prognostication

Keys to the Game

Remember, during the preseason, the keys are really developmental objects. Winning and losing, while still important, is not the real focus. We need situational game tape of players in order to make educated decisions about the depth chart and the all important cut date. Guys that are on the bubble better step it up. Additionally, there is usually one surprise veteran cut every year. Did we already make those cuts or is there experience left that the team may want to purge in an effort to continue this youth movement?

Predictive MVP’s

Regular listeners know what these are, but for the new folks, we put focus on an offensive and defensive player that we think may ‘break out’ each week. Whether it is because of a favorable match-up or because of a player’s increased skills. Sometimes, this is just a flat out guess, but over time, these things quite often lead to a Skull or Sword Entry.

Score Prognostication

Though not professionals (in almost any light), we will put forth our best guess as to the winner of each week’s contest. Now, The Doc and I never pick against the Bucs. Yes, I know that makes us very much a pair of “homers.” When we make these selections, we do so assuming the best case for the Bucs. We also do this with great reverence for Karma.

Do we actually think the Bucs will go 16-0.


Are we willing to assert a loss against the Bucs.


So, essentially, we know that for some of you this stance will debase our position. Listen to our evaluation and you will be able to figure our what we are doing.

In Closing

Subscribe to the feeds and spread the word. While we will not have our Thursday night get together, we will keep you informed and “Abreasted” of the situation. And of course, we will be back live on Monday to catch up!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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