Merry Christmas from WTB?

Nine Seasons. Can you believe that we have been with you for nine seasons? I can’t. It seems like just the other day we started talking to people we didn’t know about something we all loved. Over the years, the faceless screen names changed to avatars and then, almost magically, the avatars turned into real, live people that we have come to know and love. People who have shared their thoughts, passions, time, talent and treasure with us all under the auspices of supporting the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. This is the part of sports that I think most organizations miss. They are often times the reasons for people to meet but the relationships that form after that meeting, the bonds that are created are far more powerful and are currently being largely ignored.

We don’t ignore them here.

I am so humbled and proud of the small family we have created. From a UStream chatroom that had 6 people in it to a podcast listened to in over 30 countries. From a solely online forum to a merger that has led to the largest and only Hall of Fame Tailgate in Tampa. From a group focused almost singly on lamenting, celebrating, analyzing and educating on the Bucs and football in general to a family that has reached out to the community near and afar collecting food, clothes and necessities for folks less fortunate or going through hard times and collecting funds for the youngest to the oldest members of our broader region.

Nine seasons. It seems like a long time, the fact is we have only just begun.

With What the Buc Really Matters, our family continues to grow and learn. We don’t do everything right. We never will. One thing is certain, we try to do the right thing as often as possible. We have been truly blessed to partner with likeminded and large hearted individuals and companies to extend the impact we can have and intend to continue that for years to come. We have all learned that together we can truly change people’s lives and that in doing so, we change our own.

Thank you for being part of our family. I look forward to magical Season 10 and in learning how this movement can grow over the next decade.

Merry Christmas!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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