Live tonight – Talking Redskins and Rebuilding

As is all the rage, we were pretty down on Monday’s show. For me, that was cathartic. i feel much better going into this evening’s broadcast. Talbuc posted a great article about our new starting quarterback this morning. Ronde recently took a shot at the local media (thankfully, we are not members thereof) asking incredulously if they WANTED the Bucs to fail! Well, Ronde, misery sells. Look at the news brother. Lead with murder and rape and watch your ratings rise. Hell, even in our microcosm, we get more viewers and downloads on losses than on wins. So, for those financially motivated, despair drives views. Here at WTB? we just call it like we see it. We would rather be pounding our chest about the most recent team whose ass we kicked. Believe me. We would LOVE to be talking about how we are rolling up 250 yards of rushing offense on every defense we face. We would be ECSTATIC to prattle on about how no team can score on our still elite defense.

Sadly, none of that is true.

Tonight, we will look at the upcoming foe and discuss what needs to happen for our Bucs to get the first ‘W’ of the year. Topics will include:

News from around the league

  1. Injury update
  2. Press conference review
  3. Where have all the runner gone?
  4. New QB, Same Offensive Line
  5. Washington – Lost to the LIons, does that mean they suck?
  6. 100 Million Dollars just got wheeled off the field – Do NOT invest in the fat guys
  7. What to expect this week

As always, get your comments, questions, predictive MVPS and scores into We will be live at 7:00 PM. Grab a drink and come join us!


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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