Tonight it is Lingerie AND Football! Seriously!


Tonight our very own Tampa Breezewill take the field at the St Pete Times Forum (perplexingly located in downtown Tampa) in their inaugural game of the Lingerie Football Season. Our opponent tonight is the Chicago Bliss. For those of you who live under a rock, have not listened to my interview with the young ladies on 1010 AM or never dreamt about scantily clad women tackling one another, this may not be the place for you. For the other 99% of guys out there (and we all hope some percentage of women), read on!

The Lingerie Football League grew out of what turned into a cult following of the Lingerie Bowl. A Pay Per View event at the halftime of the Super Bowl, the Lingerie Bowl drew a PILE (read as a LOT of money) of viewers. Some very smart person (sadly not me) decided why limit this to one time a year. The season consists of 20 contests which are full contact, 7 on 7 football. There are some core rule changes (like no field goals or extra points and no running between the tackles) but it will look and feel like core football to most.

The uniform is a sports bra and bikini bottoms with a shell set of shoulder pads and a thin helmet. If you go out to YouTube you will find that this is not a game for the average young lady. These girls bring the pain and want to win! To a player, the sentiment is that they hope the sex appeal brings people in but the sport keeps people interested.

Ex NFL players and other experts have been recruited to coach these players, many of whom have never played football before. Most come from some sort of athletic background, but football is not traditionally an option for the female athlete. When I met Carie, Ashley and Tracey, I was impressed with their passion for the competition. It does nto hurt that all three are gorgeous, but guys, don’t be so dman shallow! These girls want to compete. When asked, “Why Football?” Carie Small replied, “Sometimes, after a hard day working our normal jobs it is nice to hit somebody.” I can’t make that stuff up folks! Her reference is to the fact that these girls all work normal jobs. Much like teh Arena League players in the early years, the league cannot pay these athletes to play and train without having normal gigs out there with you and I. This is a passion project for them and should be something worth getting off your backsides and seeing tonight at 9:00 PM.Breeze Poster

So if you are local to the Tampa area, get your ass out and get some tickets! The Doctor and I will be there (we have to, we are PRESS you know!) but you guys (and gals?) can enjoy the view and the game from a much better vantage point and cheer our Breeze on to their first victory! Tickets can be purchased online at Ticketmaster.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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