What the Breeze? – Yup, we support the ladies too!

[singlepic id=1155 w=320 h=240 float=left]As you are all aware, the folks at WTB? love football. Well, it is no surprise that when gorgeous women decide to play football we became immediately interested. The story got better when we learned that it was the Lingerie Football League. At that point, we needed security details! That was …Read More

This week’s tailgate…Kegs and Burgers and Fun, oh my!

[singlepic id=974 w=320 h=240 float=right]As always, the WTB?/BucsChat.com tailgate will be ridiculous. This week, the fine folks from TurboChill will be providing us some delicious beer cooled and served in their new, patent pending “jockey box”. Check out the video on their site to see what we are talking about or better yet, come to …Read More

Quick Video Preview: 49 ers

While we had no show Thursday, we are live at Beef O Brady’s in Auburndale tomorrow with Pregame, halftime and post-game thoughts as well as drink and food specials to celebrate (hopefully) a Bucs win and our Movember Gala event! So drag your backsides to Auburndale and enjoy great food, great drinks, great football and HORRIFIC facial hair, all to support …Read More