Party starts at 7 PM. Show at 9 PM. IN ATLANTA SATURDAY!!!

In the never ending pursuit of providing you the most genuine, fan inspired Buccaneers coverage, we are taking WTB? on the road this weekend. For this divisional matchup, the WTB? crew will be on the road to support our team. The great folks of the Atlanta Bucs Fan Club (ATL Bucs led by the fearless, …Read More

Our new partner: Beef’s (Auburndale) – LADIES DRINK FREE 9 – 11PM

While we still have our crack squad of lawyers working on the details of what will clearly be a lucrative contract, we are confident in announcing this partnership early. Well, early may be an overstatement as we plan to be live from this new location for Thursday’s show! Never strangers to good drinks and better …Read More