WTB Really Matters


By now you know us and our play on words, hence the name of our volunteer group. We wanted fans to know that there was more going on within the Buccaneers’ organization than football games, draft parties and players’ autographs. Our franchise is rich with players, past and present, that are deeply involved in charities. Charities require “hands” and no matter your economic situation you can help. We always knew people wanted to do more if they just knew how, so like everything else we have done with WTB?, we jumped right in. With the help of social media we were able to answer the cries for help. We got involved by asking questions and by showing up. Early on maybe a handful of people would volunteer, I am proud to share with you that we just registered 60 sets of hands for an upcoming holiday event where we will help feed over 1000 people.

We have sent goodies to the troops overseas, packaged food for Africa, lent our voice to pediatric cancer, helped with the battle against domestic violence, raised money for the American Heart Association, grown beards for Movember, worn pink bras in October and provided toys for little ones during some scary times. There is magic and comfort in numbers, come have some fun with us while we help some less fortunate than us.