Cornhole Update and a Reminder

Here we are. Our FINAL tailgate for the season! This year has been a roller coaster as many of us expected great things out of the on the field performance this year. That said, every tailgate has been a win due to you guys! We have raised a lot of money for some great charities and had a terrific time doing it.

We have heard some rumbling from some of the folks that are not yet regulars from time to time on the rare occurrence when we have run out of something. To that end, I have prepared the following DISCLAIMER. It will be posted next season as not to have any misunderstanding.


This is a tailgate that is sponsored via donation. We are not a business and we do not run this as such though we have filed for our 501c3 status so that our donations can grow. We tie to local charities and donate the proceeds (and announce that every week.) We make EVERY EFFORT to have plenty of food and drink but your donations are not tickets. We serve until we run out and have, in years, only run out of a few things. So before you guys get pissy about coming at 12:15 for a 1:00 kickoff only to find limited food or beer left, use your head. Luckily this has not been a real problem yet but we don’t want it to start to become one either. If this model is unacceptable, you are welcome not to attend. Most folks get it and have no problem. 


Now to the fun stuff! The Cornhole Championship Bracket! Thanks to our Commissioner, the final 10 have been set. We will have a double elimination, 5 team tournament Sunday to crown the new champs! Good luck to:

Bucoholic, WTB Commish, OldSchool, Captian Bones, BucNutz, Frank the Tank, Bucco Tom, Ryan Colon, D.Sanchez and Matt DiRoma!

You may notice ALL of our former Champions made the top ten. There is something to be said for that.




"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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