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Double Header Show – Bucs Ice and Bucs Fire

OK folks, the stupid is pretty loud here in Bucs-Ville. Tonight, to help address that and to allow some counseling for us, we will be doing something that we have never done before. We will have two distinct podcasts done as live shows and then podcast separately. I will assure you, some of you will like one and hate the other. Bucs fans once again went from buying playoff tickets to trying to firebomb facilities showing that the word “fanatic” really barely covers it.

WTB – First Hour

We will be joined by Mark Cook (@MarkCook1970 of @PewterReport fame) and we will do what we always do. We will tear apart the performance, cover the Bucs from the inside and out and project what might happen against the Falcons with a level of depth that we believe is not matched anywhere else. You know, the shit we have been doing for over TEN DAMN YEARS!

WTB – Second Hour

Leaving RayJay with a loss Sunday was not nearly the most painful thing that some of us had to endure last week. The absolute stupidity vomit that occurred on social media was deafening. We will be joined in the second hour by Chris Fisher of the show formerly called BucsBrief and we will have an open phone line for the entire hour or until we are out of anger and debate topics.

Some topics will include:

  1. Jameis is a bust
  2. McCoy is overrated and a ghost (or untalented or doesn’t care about winning or hates small animals….)
  3. <INSERT COACH HERE> should be fired
  5. <COACH> was too conservative
  6. <COACH> was too aggressive

We will monitor social media real time and welcome any position but be ready with some form of data people. This new media order driven by bullshit and click bait has invaded the thing we love (sports). A place that used to be ruled as a meritocracy is now judged by people who believe their opinions are as valid as film and to be honest, we do not support that bullshit here.

Come have fun or don’t but realize, as long as WTB the podcast is alive, that other shit will not fly here. You have plenty of other outlets for it.

Show Updates will be posted (a new event for Bucs Fire) Check our Calendar for details.



"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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