Have you ever wanted to learn more about Buccaneers history but just didn’t know where to look? Well, here at WhatTheBuc.net we’ve got you covered with ThrowBuc Thursdays! Each week, the Bucs historian himself, Paul Stewart, will give us a blast from the past, taking us deep in the archives he’s compiled at his amazing site, BucPower.com. No one knows Bucs history better than Paul and there are is certainly no site that rivals the treasure that is BucPower’s historical records.
So stay tuned Buc fans! You’ll get your opportunity to learn a little about your team’s history or reminisce about the good ole days when we knew we were bad but didn’t care.
How many of you remember this diddy?
“Hey Hey Hey We’re the Buccaneers.
Ho, Ho, Ho We’re the Buccaneers.
Offense! Defense! Now we’re here to say!
Make the Falcons walk the plank! Throw ’em in Tampa Bay!”