Live Thursday, 1010 AM Friday

You cannot escape us!!!

We are back, Thursday night talking Bucs football like only the WTB? crew can. Yea, lots of people flap their gums and type but we bring the heat…

I suck at that crap.

You know what we do. We are going to talk about the CBA, the draft, the Bucs (I am sure someone will cry about the Glazers being broke) and we may or may not have guests. It will be a great time to get together in the chat room with other drunks fans and chat about the team we love.

Fear not, there will be some NCAA Tourney talk as well so tune in Thursday night at 9 PM right here to join.


Oh yea, the fine folks at 1010 AM have asked me to sit in the next two Fridays as well, so please tune in and listen to a little different brand of entertainment as I try my best to avoid FCC fines and to spread the joy you guys are used to (where is that damn sarcasm tag?)

I will be hosting the Hooters Nation Morning Show from 7-9 AM so tune in on your radio (1010 AM or 97.5 HD3) online or on UStream.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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