Play calling Question: A Response to Flex Luthor

I received a Tweet today from someone I have interacted with for many years (I am pretty sure) and my response was too long for Twitter.

So, @ATurner_24 (Flex Luthor), I appreciated the video (And interactions on Twitter) That said, I don’t hear anything more than the same opinions you have articulated in Tweets that I disagree with. (And that is totally fine, just saying). You made one comment I agree with vigorously. Coaching MUST adapt it’s scheme to it’s talent. Sometimes that is obvious (the way they use Mike) and sometimes it is not (The way they change run / pass mix to minimize risk when the line was injured).

I am not an anti-Leftwich guy. He has helped produce a very effective offense. The normal barking is about running the ball, typically on First down. That happened even during the Chiefs game when we ran a TOTOAL of 6 times. You mention running the ball and specify in the middle. I am not sure where you stop ‘middle’ but we don’t really have an ‘outside’ runner per se (toss sweeps etc.) White, maybe. Fournette, no. This is the breakdown for the first three games:

Now I no longer go back and watch All 22 so I yield to Ledyard and others who do, but the only thing I can pull from those charts is that we still favor our left side when now, I think our Right side is actually stronger. (Not a slight to Donovan, just take my licks behind Wirfs and Mason)

As for frequency, a friend found this site:

Some good data there. I do not think the facts bear out the narrative many are espousing.

As for the general play calling beef, I just think it is uninformed. Note, I am not saying YOU are uninformed. You obviously watch closely and follow the game. You also pointed out (Accurately) that a benefit to bump and run or press is to disrupt timing. Anecdotally, it seemed we have been playing far more of that this year. Certainly, in Games 1 and 2. I agree that our talent seems to do well when allowed to be more aggressive. That said, I would need to go chart the snaps to see how many times we did play that soft coverage. It was certainly there, and with Mahomes trying to get the ball out fast, it hurt us. My feeling is Coach often does that to set up under coverage. Sadly, Sunday, we were a step slow and let multiple INT’s slip right through our hands. Your comments about drags or using more mesh concept I think are fair, but to be honest, if you give Brady time, these receivers get open. One of the risks of throwing too often is what happened on the strip sack.

Running is safer. Less can go wrong. That said, it is less likely to be spectacular as well. For an old guy like me, I want my 3.5 yds per down and I will take the W. I know others hate that. But if you look at the rushing stats form last year, that around where you were at. This year, we have put ourselves in bad spots, behind the sticks as it were. But whether that is the PLAY that was called or the choice the QB made (to not check out) or the EXECUTION of the play is practically impossible to derive for us fans in my opinion.


"Here's to good memories, ounce by ounce." --Matt Westerman Currently hosting an Internet Radio/TV show called "What the Buc?" covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers! We are having a blast and would love to get feedback from you folks on it.

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