Hello all!
I know it has been a long time. After the cluster that occurred last season, I needed some time off. Our whole team did a lot of introspection here at WTB? We needed to evaluate how much time we spent on this passion project and on all of the various things we work on here and abroad. Doing this for 11 years is no easy task and to be honest, the easy path of sensationalism and bullshit has never appealed to us. While that does get you a lot of eyeballs, it isn’t about the game. It is TMZ without the naked Kardashians and to be honest, what the hell good would TMZ be without them?
Anyway, I digress. Moral to the story is after a wildly successful 2nd Annual TSI that raised $26,000.00 for the great families being assisted by 1Voice and after speaking with our families and our sponsors, we have decided we are not only coming back but we are going to up the ante again. There will be some noticeable changes but all in all, we think you will be excited about what we will be doing.
We will cover announcements about branding, interaction, ways to participate, tailgates and our charitable works in our first show of the new season, Wednesday night at 9:00 PM. Taking a hint from a fellow podcaster, we are changing our podcast approach and removing video. I know many of you who enjoyed looking at my face will be sad (no, this is not true) but many listeners wanted an easy way to listen form their mobile devices and to be honest, the complications of the video model became an unnecessary pain in the ass. We will augment our shows with Facebook Live Video events so PLEASE make sure you are following our Facebook page rather than bitching when you do not get a notification.
So, tune in Wednesday and 9:oo PM Eastern and let’s get the ball rolling. Hell, I will even be at OTA’s that day so I might have some insight.