You saw the debut last week (or listened) but the evolution of fan based sports talk radio/media is continuing (though some would claim we are actually devolving, but they suck!). Live at 8:00 PM on CBS 1010 AM, What the Buc?’s very own OldSchool hosts the “Two Hand Touch” radio show with the one and only Bucs Babe. Stream is right here so you can watch the train wreck or, more importantly, the costume chances (Not OldSchool’s!)
Tonight we will be breaking down the Preseason shutout of the Chiefs in Kansas City. We will be joined by Steve White (former Bucs defensive end and all around pretty smart dude) to break down the highs, lows and mediums of what actually could have been a much uglier score. As you have become accustomed to, send in your Swords and Skulls as well as questions to the questions line or interact live with us during the show!
If you want to participate, since we are big time now the numbers are 888-4040-1010 or locally 727-579-1010. You can also text directly to the studio line at 44010 but the most interactive experience is the chat room right here on the site.
Tune in and let’s review what the Bucs did and what they will need to do Thursday with the most passionate fans in the NFL!