As you all know we do what we do on our own dime. Sure, we sell shirts and do raffles but most of that money goes to the charities that we support. It is our grass roots feel that pulls most people to us in the first place. This year we are applying for 5013c status so we will be very particular about how everything is documented. That all said, our tailgates, which are epic as you know, are self funded by the donations of attendees and the wallets of our core group of devoted members.
As you have notices, this season we actually have some sponsor love! Well this message is to welcome our newest sponsor, Steakhouse Elite! Check them out on Facebook and Twitter (@SteakhouseElite). They bring Kobe beef to the masses through their burgers, ground beef and hot dogs that we will be featuring at our tailgate this season. Their products are available at Publix and other fine stores so get out and try out the next level in beef products!
Check them out and let your store know if they don’t carry these products, they should start!